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Module 1: Python Basics

  1. Introduction to Python
    • Python overview and installation.
  2. Print Statements and Comments
    • Basics of print() and the use of comments.
    • Formatting output.
  3. Variables and Data Types
    • Assigning variables.
    • Data types: strings, integers, floats, boolean.
  4. String Operations
    • String slicing, concatenation, and formatting.
    • User input and processing.

Module 2: Data Structures

  1. Lists and Tuples
    • Creating and manipulating lists and tuples.
    • Common operations: slicing, indexing, and functions.
  2. Dictionaries and Sets
    • Key-value pair mappings with dictionaries.
    • Using sets for unique collections.

Module 3: Control Flow

  1. Conditionals
    • if, else, and elif statements.
    • Nested and shorthand conditionals.
  2. Loops
    • Iteration using for and while loops.
    • Nested loops and patterns.
  3. Functions
    • Writing reusable functions.
    • Arguments, keyword arguments, and return values.

Module 4: Intermediate Python

  1. File I/O
    • Reading and writing text files.
    • File handling methods.
  2. Error Handling
    • Using try, except, and finally.
    • Handling common exceptions.
  3. Modules and Packages
    • Importing libraries.
    • Using standard Python modules like math and time.

Module 5: Advanced Python

  1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • Classes, objects, methods, and attributes.
    • Inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
  2. Decorators and Generators
    • Writing efficient code using decorators and generators.
  3. Comprehensions
    • List, dictionary, and set comprehensions for concise operations.

Module 6: Special Topics

  1. Lambda and Functional Programming
    • Anonymous functions with lambda.
    • Using map(), filter(), and reduce().
  2. Recursive Functions
    • Understanding recursion with examples like factorial and Fibonacci.
  3. Advanced File Handling
    • Working with binary files and file pointers.
  4. Python for Data Science

Module 7: Capstone Projects

  1. Basic Projects
    • Mini-projects using loops and functions (e.g., calculators, games).
  1. Advanced Projects
    • Develop full applications such as a library management system or a basic game.
Days :  Monday - Sunday
Batches from : 10AM - 6PM
Duration of the Course : 3 Months | 48 hours